Forschungs- & Publikationsdatenbank

Entwicklungsvorhaben - Fak. 3 - Physik
Projektdauer: 01.10.08 bis 01.11.10

CAT - The effective use of computer aided teaching and learning material in science teaching - a teacher training course with a European perspective
A huge amount of excellent computer aided teaching and learning (CAT) material already exists in Europe, but there is far less experience (and also competence) at using these materials effectively within regular classroom activities and outside. This is especially true with respect to getting girls and boys interested to study science, and motivated
The whole project is finished timely and got an excellent evaluation. On this basis, the course with it's 3 modules developed in the project, is offered by the University of Education Heidelberg through ...
Prof. Dr. Welzel-Breuer, Manuela (Leitung) Profil
Dr. Graf, Sönke Profil
Dr. Schnirch, Andreas Profil
Antonio Rueda

In Zusammenarbeit mit:University of Vienna, Austria
University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany
University of Helsinki, Finland
National Institute for Educational Research, France
University of Patras, Greece

sowie zahlreiche Schulen und Fortbildungseinrichtungen der beteiligten L?nder
Verweis auf Webseiten:
Application for course participation (Link deprecated)
Handbook (Link deprecated)
Cat4u - A European Teacher Training Course for Science Teachers: HANDBOOK for a teacher training course
Angehängte Dateien:
Projekt-Id: 214
Erfasst von Welzel-Breuer, Manuela(Prof. Dr.) am 16.12.08
Zuletzt geändert von Prof. Dr. Welzel-Breuer, Manuela am 11.01.20