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Publikation Nr. 2368 - Details

MacIsaac, D., Falconer, K., Welzel-Breuer, M. & Detrois, P. (2020). Affordances and Insights for Teaching Simple Circuits to Blind and Sight Impaired Children, AAPT National Meeting, Orlando FL.

We describe affordances – simple modifications to equipment and procedures, and interventions for an introductory activity examining the classic relative brightness of one bulb in a circuit, two bulbs in series, and two in parallel circuits. Affordances for partially sighted students are straightforward, with slight but important adaptations to apparatus, lesson flow and timing. Affordances for profoundly blind students include using circuit representations on raised paper (swell paper) with an

Art der Begutachtung: kein Peer Review
Print: Nein
Online: Ja, mit Open Access und CC-Lizenz
Datenmedium: Keine Angabe