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Publikation Nr. 87 - Details

Science Education for Responsible Citizenship.
Hazelkorn, E., Ryan, C., Beernaert, Y., Constantinou, C.P. , Grangeat, M., Karikorpi, M., Lazoudis, A., Pintó Casulleras, R. & Welzel-Breuer, M. (2015). Science Education for Responsible Citizenship. Brüssel: European Commission, Directorate for Research an Innovation.
DOI: 10.2777/12626 EN

The European Union has set ambitious goals: to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, to find pathways to create new jobs and to offer a sense of direction to our societies. This requires significant strengthening of our knowledge and innovation capacity and our creative capability as drivers for future growth. As the world becomes more inter-connected and competitive and as research and technological know-how expands, new opportunities along with mo

Art der Begutachtung: kein Peer Review
Print: Ja
Online: Ja, mit Open Access und CC-Lizenz
Datenmedium: Nein